applying for nbi clearance

REQUIREMENTS (for first-time applicants living/working abroad): 

  • Ask for a Fingerprint Card form from the Embassy and fill it out. For married women, please write your name in the following order: maiden surname (father’s surname), husband’s surname, first or given name, and maternal surname (mother’s family name).
  • Attach a colored 2” x 2” photograph, taken within three months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicant’s face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted.
  • The Embassy will have your fingerprints impressed (rolled impression) on the appropriate spaces of the NBI Fingerprint Card form.
  • The Embassy will authenticate the Fingerprint Card form. There is a fee for this service (please refer to fee/processing days below).
  • Send the authenticated Fingerprint Card form to the NBI for issuance of clearance (please refer to sending instructions below).

Fee / Processing Days:

  • 10 Omani Rials (1 working day)
  • 14 Omani Rials (expedite - if to be filed before 12 noon, the release will be in the afternoon of the same day).

Sending Instructions:

Through a Representative in the Philippines – Mail the accomplished form to your representative, along with an authenticated signed letter or Special Power of Attorney (SPA) authorizing him/her to transact business on your behalf. Your representative may visit the office of the Electronic Data Processing Division (EDPD) in NBI Taft Avenue, Manila for further assistance.

Upon receipt of your clearance certificate (whether directly from the NBI or your representative), please examine it for the presence of the embossed NBI DRY SEAL at its lower left portion. The clearance is invalid without it. You must also affix your clear and properly taken THUMBPRINT on the space provided for on the clearance certificate before submitting it to the end-user, otherwise, your clearance will be subjected for further verification/authentication.

REQUIREMENTS (for applicants living/working abroad renewing their NBI clearance, issued from 2014 onwards):

  • Original NBI clearance, with updated information for address and purpose of clearance indicated; otherwise, write “Same Data”, if none.
  • For changes in name, date of birth or place of birth, duly-accomplished Fingerprint Card form, with photocopy of Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate.
  • One (1) colored photo, 2” x 2”, taken within three months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of the applicant's face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted.
  • Photocopy of your passport with date stamped proving your presence abroad.
  • Send all of the above documents to the NBI, following the same SENDING instructions.

Note: Applicants who were previously issued NBI Clearance Certificates from 2014 to present may now renew their NBI Clearance Certificate without the need of accomplishing a new NBI Fingerprint Card, provided that there is no change in the applicant’s personal information as indicated in his/her latest NBI Clearance Certificate.