All applications for immigrant visas must be made in person. In the case of a minor under fourteen (14) years of age, the application may be made for him by any person who, in the opinion of the consular officer, is responsible for his welfare. The minor (not an infant in arms) shall be required to appear at the consular office for interview, accompanied by the person applying on behalf of the minor.

The consular officer shall require applicants, whether under the quota or non-quota categories, to accomplish FA Form No. 3 in duplicate at the Embassy. Applicants shall submit the following documents:

The requirements in applying for an Immigrant Visa are:

  • Letter of application from Filipino spouse
  • General application form duly accomplished and notarized (FA Form No. 3)
  • 2X2 picture to be attached to the application form
  • Birth Certificate of applicant Filipino spouse duly authenticated by PSA and apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs. In the absence of a birth certificate, submit the following:
    • Certification of the Local Civil Registrar of the Philippine Statistics Office of its loss or non availability
    • Any public document which will establish the Filipino citizenship
    • Affidavit of two (2) disinterested persons indicating name and nationality of parents, place and date of birth of applicant
  • Marriage Contract duly authenticated by PSA and apostilled by the DFA
  • Certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage issued by the Embassy of Consulate of the alien spouse, or official family register with authentic Interpretation as certified by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate
  • Joint Affidavit of legal capacity to contract marriage, stating any previous marriage(s) and the manner by which marriage was dissolved
  • If alien spouse as previously married, a true copy of the divorce decree, dissolution of marriage or death certificate, as the case may be, duly authenticated
  • Birth Certificate of minor unmarried children under 21 years, if Any, duly authenticated by PSA and apostilled by the DFA;
  • Joint Affidavit of financial capacity and support executed by the applicant and the alien spouse with supporting documents such as land titles and other evidence of ownership.
  • Medical Certificate from the Bureau of Quarantine that applicant, spouse and unmarried children are not afflicted with any contagious, dangerous and loathsome disease. (FA Form No. 11)-attested by Oman Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Phil. Embassy
  • AIDS Certification
  • Police Clearance - attested by Oman Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Phil. Embassy
  • Copy of passport of alien spouse and children showing date of arrivals and validity of stay